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![]() My law school odyssey: three years, three time zones and beyond. |
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![]() 9/30/2002 *giggle*
I had an unusually nasty commute experience this morning, which is probably a metaphor for something-or-other.
Reason #42 why I love Professor Torts:
9/29/2002 No natto, but I did enjoy something new today: iced green tea with smoked plum, complete with a good layer of "pearls" (black marble-sized jelly balls made from tapioca) in the bottom of the cup and a big pipe of a straw through which to slurp them. My husband derived similar pleasure from his almond-milk tea, and unlike me, he actually went out of his way to slurp up all his pearls after he'd finished the liquid part of the drink.
Too lazy today to go to San Francisco when it's not required of me, and plus the trains aren't running, so today's teahouse excursion will only take us as far as Cupertino. Still, the shopping center where we're headed is a terrifically fun place -- an open-air mall that we jokingly call "EPCOT," since all of the maps and signs are either solely in characters or subtitled in characters (I recognize Korean and Chinese characters, although there might also be kanji and I'd have no idea). Even the adjacent Charles Schwab branch has something in characters on the sign, which leads me to wonder how you would spell a name like Charles Schwab phonetically in any Asian language.
9/28/2002 My law school has released this semester's final exams schedule, and my December now looks like this:
Wow. I just finished this case for torts, and I don't know whether to laugh or just roll my eyes repeatedly.
This excerpt from Jay Nordlinger landed in my email box yesterday, with the subject line "Life in the Supreme Court fishbowl":
9/27/2002 Can anyone recommend a CD ROM drive that will rip a CD into nonblippy MP3's in somewhat less than thirty-six hours? Every review I find rates the product not on its ability to rip a CD, but on its ability to play a DVD movie. Perhaps this feature will be important to me some day, when I once again have time to watch movies and for whatever reason decide I wish to do so on my computer screen. Meanwhile, I'd love suggestions to suit my current need; I'm starting to get really, really tired of ninety-nine variations on La Folia on the wall, ninety-nine variations on La Folia... thus spake /jca @ 3:36 PM...9/26/2002 I've complained about Thursdays before, but never in any real substantive detail. Here is what my Thursday is like: I catch the 8:17 train into the city, with just enough time to stop by Starbucks (a so-so idea, based on cost & quality) or the school cafeteria (a far better idea) to procure some caffeinated beverage, a bottle of water, and the sandwich that will eventually be my lunch. And then the marathon begins.
9/25/2002 I've lit a stress-relief candle, which smells vaguely like soap.
Time to finalize my draft memo. I hate attempting to restate things in fewer words.
9/24/2002 I should really finish my El-Dubyar citation exercises ("The case of James T. Kirk versus Jean-Luc Picard appears in the second volume of the Atlantic Reporter, at volume 145, on page 190" and so forth), but I've been distracted by that worthiest of legal columnists, Justice Bedsworth. I adore this guy. Maybe he'd like a clerk from Northern California, in a few years? thus spake /jca @ 8:43 PM...Folks who have met me in person for any length of time know that I turn red at very little provocation. Embarrass me, and I blush furiously; make me laugh too hard, particularly with a mouthful of water, and you'll see me turn a shade of purple best described in the words of former consulting coworker P.T.: "Hey, is that color web-safe?"
9/23/2002 On-campus interviewing ("Oh See Eye") season has begun at my school, which means two things to an otherwise unconcerned 1L:
9/22/2002 Prof. Cooper on laptops vs. Prof. Davies on laptops. (And just for fun: Waddling Thunder on laptops.)
Feeling slightly better today, but still not happy. I can sit up and even walk around without fainting, but I still have no appetite and am nauseated by the smell of pretty much anything that has one.
9/21/2002 Auuuggghhh!
9/20/2002 I.
A big up to the University of Waikato in New Zealand, which now features Sua Sponte on its blawgs list. Kia ora, guys, and of course you're invited to join the Blawg Ring!
9/19/2002 Back a month ago, when I first noticed that my school's cafeteria sold little packets of Motrin at the checkout counter right next to the candy bars, I found it amusing. But now I find it very, very wise of them. thus spake /jca @ 11:07 PM...9/18/2002 The draft memo is finally done, to my relief. Now I remember the best part about writing papers: finishing them.
9/17/2002 At long last, after nearly an entire month of keeping the pace of school, I'm experiencing a long-awaited sense of déjà vu. I've got a stack of photocopied, cross-referenced, Shepardized cases on the couch cushion to my right, the laptop on my lap, some nice upbeat Dvorák on the stereo, and my first memo for El-Dubyar, as yet unwritten, on the to-do list for tonight.
9/16/2002 In the interest of giving back to the community, particularly the community of folks googling Sua Sponte in search of case briefs, the Sua Sponte editorial staff is proud to present:
The neat part of being bipolar is that the downs never last long, and the ups are always rewarding to the extreme.
9/14/2002 Maybe this is a problem.
9/12/2002 I tend to be pretty sour-humored this time of the month, get extremely strung out on just a little too much caffeine, and have learned to loathe Thursdays in general. So on a Thursday at this time of the month, after my standard Starbucks chai latte in the morning supplemented with a double-bagged grande cup of Tazo Awake tea at lunch, any coherence or wit I might normally possess gives way to depressive panic and a semi-insatiable craving for Nine Inch Nails songs. Nasty Nine Inch Nails songs at that, along with which I'd gladly be screaming at the top of my lungs if we didn't live in such a densely-populated apartment building.
9/11/2002 I wound up taking a minor shortcut today on my El-Dubyar research, only semi-intentionally (or, I guess, fully intentionally in the tort sense, since I was substantially certain that I'd find what I was looking for). Several seemingly-interminable rounds of library going-at-it left me with a decent-sized stack of cases, but there invariably seemed to be one or two more that might be valuable...which meant back to the stacks, pray that someone else hasn't already pulled that volume of the California Reporter, and then it's time to loop the loop again.
Last night I made the mistake of taking a non-drowsy antihistamine before going to bed, which eventually resulted in me realizing with a jolt that it was 2 am and I was surreally, hyperclearly awake. And oddly enough, all I could think about was promissory estoppel.
9/10/2002 Sometimes you're stuck depending on the kindness of strangers.
9/09/2002 Fans of Randy Cassingham (a.k.a. the originator of the Get Out of Hell Free card hanging on my cork board) will appreciate the legal bent to his latest oeuvre, the Official Stella Awards for goofy litigation. thus spake /jca @ 8:12 PM...9/08/2002 Ahh, so glad we live in the Bay Area.
To the person who reached this site through the Google search "law school" AND "I'm scared" -- don't be!! It's only as bad as you make it.
9/07/2002 New WhatWord record: Level 37, with 1,930,545 points. This is the first time I've ever broken a million points on any game, and yet it's annoying that I didn't quite reach 2 million.
9/06/2002 Only three hours in the library today. 'Twas a wise suggestion indeed to do this goofy research in teams. I've now bonded with half my El-Dubyar section and we at least have distributed paper cuts. And it's awfully depressing how much legal publishing seems to be done by cartels. I've got to wonder: if copyrights on these things are so stringent, how is it that we can photocopy them so liberally? Are we somehow not violating copyright just because we're students? I can't wait for intellectual property law...
9/05/2002 Today, to my horror, I've begun to understand what the "research" part of Legal Writing and Research stands for.
9/04/2002 Sleeeeeeepy today. I made the mistake of stretching out on the couch with my Civ Pro and promptly found myself dozing off right in the thick of pendent jurisdiction (which probably would have made even less sense if I'd managed to stay awake).
9/03/2002 New toys update:
There's something about getting packages in the mail that is reminiscent of the holidays, even when you've ordered the stuff yourself and know exactly what to expect.
9/02/2002 It worked! I have successfully managed to forget about law school for two whole days. Perhaps I'm not as obsessive as I feared? Or, at least, my obsessiveness is still in its stem-cell stage and can be channeled away from school just as readily as toward it.
9/01/2002 I found this infographic from CNN amusing, in an odd way:
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